Reading Notes: Krishna series, Part B

 Part B

Krishna Humbles Brahma

- Haha. I like that Brahma is choosing to amuse himself by trying to pull a prank on Krishna
- Krishna caught onto that really quickly, it makes me wonder if Brahma has done this before
- it was clever of Krishna to ruin Brahma's plan by copying all the villagers and cattle, but it's kind of messed up that he just left all of the real people to be hostages for a year
- That's cool that Brahma bows to Krishna's divinity after seeing the extent of his power

Krishna rides Hastin

- Hastin was the biggest and strongest of bulls
- Valdram vowed to kill him with a single punch, Krishna said he would tame the bull by the full moon so his cow heard friend would not do this terrible deed
- Krishna tamed the wild bull through the use of his music and kindness
- Moral: kindness is the ultimate strength

Akrur Invites Krishhna

- Krishna grew to be a strong and mighty man who thwarted Kans' demonic attempts on his life repeatedly
- Kans resolved to bring Krishna to his kingdom and kill him under the guise of a formal dinner
- His servant was a devotee of Vishnu and saw that Krishna was his reincarnation and warned him of the plot at the risk of his own life
Beautiful Art: An Idol of Lord Krishna


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