Reading Notes: Mahabharata videos, Part A

Epified: Mahabharata videos, Part A

Shantanu the Unfortunate

- Mahabharata = telling of karmic causes and reactions
- The narration style of these videos is beautiful!
- Ganga used king Shantanu to release 8 celestial spirits and stole his child
- Theory: the child Ganga stole will get retribution against her

Devarat Returns

- 16 years later King Shantanu sees a boy tame the river Ganga, this is revealed to be his son
- King Shantanu doesnt seems to have much sense when it comes to women
- Devarat is going to sacrifice for his father even though he only just met him

Devarat becomes Bhishma

- Devarat was willing to give up the throne for his father's happiness but the fisherman did not feel it was enough
- Devarat vowed to the gods that he would never marry or have children, all for the sake of his fathers happiness
- Bhishma = he of the terrible vow
- Shantanu gave his child a boon for his sacrifice, he may choose the moment of his death
Ganga giving Devarat over to his father after he was trained for his ascension to the throne


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